
Grass Fed and Finished Beef

Reserve Your 2024 QUARTER, HALF or WHOLE beef

Spring/summer processing dates filling fast!

Click here ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† to reserve your quarter, half or whole beef today.

The QUARTER beef is approximately 100 lbs (amount varies based on weight of animal) of ground beef, steaks, roasts, organ meat and bones.

The HALF beef is approximately 200 lbs of ground beef, steaks, roasts, organ meat and bones.

A WHOLE beef is approximately 300 lbs of ground beef, steaks, roasts, organ meat and bones.

Pastured Pork

**Reserve Your 2024 HALF or WHOLE PIG for fall processing, Today! **

Click here ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† to reserve your HALF or WHOLE HOG today.

Receive 70-90 lbs of roasts, chops, bacon, ground pork and a variety of nitrate/nitrite free processing sausagesย  with a HALF HOG.

The WHOLE HOG is 150-200 lbs of roasts, chops, bacon, ground pork and a variety of nitrate/nitrite freeย  sausages.

pastured pork

Grass Fed Lamb

**Reserve your 2024 HALF or WHOLE LAMB, Today!
Available in October/November.**

Click here ๐Ÿ‘†๐Ÿ‘† to reserve your HALF or WHOLE LAMB.ย 

You’ll get 20-30 lbs of roasts, chops and ground lamb with a HALF LAMB order.

A WHOLE LAMB will be 40-60 lbs of roasts, chops and ground lamb.

Our son, Conrad, wanted a project and an income source, but something different, hence the sheep!

His sheep are primarily Katahdin/Dorper cross sheep. The original eweโ€™s are Katahdin/Painted Desert.

All of these breeds are hair breeds which means we do not need to shear them, they shed like deer.

The other benefit to having hair sheep is the quality of the meat, it is fabulous!

As hair sheep there is no lanolin in the hair to contaminate the flavor of the meat, one of the complaints of wool sheep.


ย Sunsets on the farm are my favorite!