Half Beef Reservation $4.20/lb $100 Deposit to Reserve


$4.20/lb hanging weight (approx. 300 lbs) plus processing.

The $100 Reservation fee is applied to your total order cost, and is non-refundable

A 1/2 beef includes tbone, ribeyes and sirloin steaks, round, chuck, sirloin tip roasts, along with ground beef, heart, liver, tongue and bones.

Reserve your whole, half or quarter animal today.  We’ll stay in touch and notify you when it is getting closer to finished!


For the serious beef eater that wants to shop out of the freezer.

Get half of all the steaks, roasts, ground beef, organ eat, bones and all the enjoyment of delicous, nutritious grass fed beef!

Standard cut: (Numbers are approximate, depends on size of the animal)

  • T-Bones  – 6 @ 2/pack = 12 steaks
  • Rib Steaks – 8 @ 2/pack = 16 steaks
  • Sirloins – 6 @ 2/pack = 12 steaks
  • Rounds – 8 @ 2/pack =  16 Steaks
  • Roasts – 16 @ 3lbs roasts = 48 lbs of roast (4 of each – Chuck, Arm, Sirloin Tip, Rump)
  • 6 packs of Short Ribs
  • 6 packs of Soup Bones
  • Roughly 60 lbs of Ground Beef (1 lb packs)

You can also add in the organ meat at no cost or have different roasts or steaks ground, if you prefer more ground beef.

If you don’t feel comfortable calling the butcher and are happy with the standard cut, just let me know, I’ll pass that on to the processor!